Book of Hosea
the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ that he·was to Savior the·son·of Welled
in·the·days⁺·of Might-of-Yʜᴡ Yᴡ-Complete Holder Firm-by-Yʜ the·kings⁺·of Gloryhand
and·in·the·days⁺·of People-Argues the·son·of Yᴡ-Fire the·king·of Princepowr :
first·pierce·of he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ in·Savior
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to Savior ꜝwalk ꜝtake to·you woman·of fornications⁺ and·children⁺·of fornications⁺
as fornicating she·fornicates the·land
from·after⁺ Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·walks and·he·takes
°Conclusion the·daughter·of Lumps²
and·she·progenates and·she·enchilds to·him son :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to·him
ꜝcall his·name Powr-Seeds
as again little and·I·reckoned °the·bloods⁺·of Powr-Seeds upon the·house·of Yʜ-He
the·kingdom·of the·house·of Princepowr :
and·he·was in·the·day he
and·I·broke °the·bow·of Princepowr
in·the·deepland·of Powr-Seeds :
and·she·progenates again and·she·enchilds daughter
and·he·says to·him
ꜝcall her·name Not Enwombed
as I·do·not·add again I·enwomb °the·house·of Princepowr
as bearing I·bear to·them :
and·°the·house·of Gloryhand I·enwomb
and·I·saved·them in·Yʜᴡʜ their·Powers⁺
and I·do·not·save·them in·bow and·in·sword and·in·battle
in·horses⁺ and·in·shockcavalry⁺ :
and·she·yields °Not Enwombed
and·she·progenates and·she·enchilds son :
and·he·says ꜝcall his·name Not My-People
as you⁺ not my·people
and·I I·am·not to·you⁺ :
and·he·was the·count·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr as·the·sand·of the·sea
that he·is·not·measured and he·is·not·counted
and·he·was in·rising·place·of that he·is·said to·them not my·people you⁺
he·is·said to·them sons⁺·of powr living :
and·they·were·collected⁺ the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand and·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr united
and·they·placed⁺ to·them head one and·they·went·up⁺ from the·land
as great the·day·of Powr-Seeds :
ꜝsay⁺ to·your⁺·brothers⁺ my·people
and·to·your⁺·sisters⁺ she·was·enwombed :
ꜝargue⁺ in·your⁺·mama ꜝargue⁺
as she not my·woman
and·I not her·man
and·ꜝlet·her·remove her·fornications⁺ from·her·face⁺
and·her·adulteries⁺ from·between her·breasts² :
lest I·unmantle·her bare
as·the·day·of her·enchilded
and·I·placed·her as·the·outspeak and·I·put·her as·land·of desert
and·I·put·her·to·death in·the·thirst :
and·°her·sons⁺ I·do·not·enwomb
as sons⁺·of fornications⁺ they⁺ :
as she·fornicated their·mama
she·shamed that·progenates·them
as she·said ꜝlet·me·walk after⁺ that·love⁺·me the·giving⁺·of my·bread and·my·waters⁺
my·wool and·my·flax
my·oil and·my·drinks⁺ :
to·surely ¡lo!·me knitting·a·hedge °your·step in·the·potthorns⁺
and·I·fenced °her·fence
and·her·paths⁺ she·does·not·find :
and·she·pursued °that·love⁺·her and she·does·not·catch °them
and·she·sought·them and she·does·not·find
and·she·said ꜝlet·me·walk and·ꜝlet·me·return to my·man the·headmost
as he·was·good to·me then from·now :
and·she she·did·not·know
as I I·gave to·her
the·grain and·the·winemust and·the·elixer
and·silver I·multiplied to·her and·gold they·did⁺ to·the·Master :
to·surely I·return
and·I·took my·grain in·his·season
and·my·winemust in·his·assembly·time
and·I·snatched·away my·wool and·my·flax
to·cover °her·bareness :
and·now I·strip °her·wiltedness to·eyes²·of that·love⁺·her
and·man he·does·not·snatch·her·away from·my·hand :
and·I·gave·rest all·of her·rejoicing
her·feast her·new·moon and·her·rest
and·all·of her·assembly :
and·I·desolated her·vine and·her·fig
that she·said payment they⁺ to·me
that they·gave⁺ to·me that·love⁺·me
and·I·placed·them to·forest
and·she·ate·them the·life·of the·field :
and·I·reckoned upon·her °the·days⁺·of the·Masters⁺ that she·incendiates to·them
and·she·decorates her·jewel and·her·piercing
and·she·walks after⁺ that·love⁺·her
and·°me she·forgot the·revelation·of Yʜᴡʜ :
to·surely ¡lo! I that·beguiles·her
and·I·caused·her·to·walk the·outspeak
and·I·spoke upon her·heart :
and·I·gave to·her °her·orchards⁺ from·there
and·°the·deepland·of Roiling to·opening·of hope
and·she·responded ➝there as·the·days⁺·of her·youth⁺
and·as·the·day·of her·going·up from·the·land·of Egypts² :
and·he·was in·the·day he the·revelation·of Yʜᴡʜ
you·call my·man
and you·do·not·call to·me again my·Master :
and·I·removed °the·names⁺·of the·Masters⁺ from·her·mouth
and they·are·not·remembered⁺ again in·their·name :
and·I·cut·in to·them covenant in·the·day he
near the·life·of the·field and·near the·flyer·of the·skies⁺
and·the·creeper·of the·adamah
and·bow and·sword and·battle I·break from the·land
and·I·put·them·to·bed to·trust :
and·I·betrothed·you to·me to·eternity
and·I·betrothed·you to·me in·justice and·in·judgment
and·in·mercy and·in·wombliness⁺ :
and·I·betrothed·you to·me in·truth
and·you·knew °Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·was in·the·day he I·respond the·revelation·of Yʜᴡʜ
I·respond °the·skies⁺
and·they⁺ they·respond⁺ °the·land :
and·the·land she·responds
°the·grain and·°the·winemust and·°the·elixer
and·they⁺ they·respond⁺ °Powr-Seeds :
and·I·seeded·her to·me in·the·land
and·I·enwombed °Not Enwombed
and·I·said to·Not my·My-People my·people you
and·he he·says my·Powers⁺ :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to·me again ꜝwalk ꜝlove woman
loved·of tendent and·adulterer
as·the·love·of Yʜᴡʜ °the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and·they⁺ facing⁺ to Powers⁺ after⁺
and·loving⁺·of firedrinks⁺·of grapes⁺ :
and·I·purchase·her to·me
in·five and·ten silver
and·donkeyload·of hairbarley⁺ and·√measure·of hairbarley⁺ :
and·I·say to·her days⁺ many⁺ you·settle to·me
and you·are·not to·man
and·also I to·you :
as days⁺ many⁺ they·settle⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
there·is·ńot king and·there·is·ńot prince
and·there·is·ńot offering and·there·is·ńot post
and·there·is·ńot ephod and·healthidols⁺ :
after they·return⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and·they·sought⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ their·Powers⁺
and·°Intimate their·king
and·they·trembled⁺ to Yʜᴡʜ and·to his·goodness in·the·afterward·of the·days⁺ :
ꜝhear⁺ the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
as argument to·Yʜᴡʜ near the·settling⁺·of the·land
as there·is·ńot truth and·there·is·ńot mercy and·there·is·ńot the·knowledge·of Powers⁺ in·the·land :
making·an·oath and·denying
and·murdering and·stealing and·adulterizing
they·erupted⁺ and·bloods⁺ in·bloods⁺ they·touched⁺ :
upon surely she·mourns the·land and·he·was·exhausted all·of settling in·her
in·the·life·of the·field and·in·the·flyer·of the·skies⁺
and·also the·fish⁺·of the·sea they·are·gathered⁺ :
surely man ꜝlet·him·not·argue and ꜝlet·him·not·reprove man
and·your·people as·arguers⁺·of priest :
and·you·stumbled the·day
and·he·stumbled also prophet near·you night
and·I·silenced your·mama :
they·were·silenced⁺ my·people from·no the·knowledge
as you the·knowledge you·rejected and·I·reject·you from·priest to·me
and·you·forget the·torah·of your·Powers⁺
I·forget your·sons⁺ also I :
as·they·multiply⁺ surely they·sinned⁺ to·me
their·weight in·roasting I·bargain·away :
the·sin·of my·people they·eat⁺
and·to their·guilt they·bear⁺ his·soul :
and·he·was as·the·people as·the·priest
and·I·reckoned upon·him his·steps⁺
and·his·exploits⁺ I·return to·him :
and·they·ate⁺ and they·are·not·satisfied⁺
they·taught·fornication⁺ and they·do·not·erupt⁺
as °Yʜᴡʜ they·abandoned⁺ to·watch :
fornication and·wine and·winemust he·takes heart :
my·people in·his·tree he·requests
and·his·rod he·tells·forth to·him
as breath·of fornications⁺ he·led·to·wander
and·they·fornicate⁺ from·under their·Powers⁺ :
upon the·heads⁺·of the·mounts⁺ they·offer⁺ and·upon the·hills⁺ they·incense⁺
under powrtree and·white·tree and·powrtree as good her·shadow
upon surely they·fornicate⁺ your⁺·daughters⁺
and·your⁺·allnesses⁺ they·adulterize⁺ :
I·do·not·reckon upon your⁺·daughters⁺ as they·fornicate⁺ and·upon your⁺·allnesses⁺ as they·adulterize⁺
as they⁺ near the·fornicators⁺ they·split⁺
and·near the·sanctuary·girl⁺ they·offer⁺
and·people he·does·not·discern he·is·pushed·down :
if fornicator you Princepowr
ꜝlet·him·not·transgress Gloryhand
and ꜝdo·not·enter⁺ the·Rolling and ꜝdo·not·go·up⁺ House·of Iniquity
and ꜝdo·not·vow·seven⁺ living Yʜᴡʜ :
as as·cow defiant
he·was·defiant Princepowr
now he·tends·them Yʜᴡʜ
as·lamb in·the·broad·place :
ally·of pains⁺ Fruits² ꜝset·in·peace to·him :
he·moved their·booze
teaching·fornication they·taught·fornication⁺
they·loved⁺ ꜝlove⁺ roasting her·guard⁺ :
he·was·rocked·in breath °her in·her·wings²
and·they·are·ashamed⁺ from·their·offerings⁺
ꜝhear⁺ this the·priests⁺ and·ꜝlisten⁺ the·house·of Princepowr and·the·house·of the·king ꜝgive·ear⁺
as to·you⁺ the·judgment
as trap you·were⁺ to·Sentry·Post
and·heirnet·of stretched upon Summit :
and·slaughter paddling⁺ they·went·deep⁺
and·I instruction to·all·of·them :
I I·knew Fruits²
and·Princepowr he·was·not·stifled from·me
as now you·taught·fornication Fruits²
he·defiled·himself Princepowr :
they·do·not·give⁺ their·exploits⁺
to·return to their·Powers⁺
as breath·of fornications⁺ in·their·impresence
and·°Yʜᴡʜ they·did·not·know⁺ :
and·he·responded the·majesty·of Princepowr in·his·face⁺
and·Princepowr and·Fruits² they·stumble⁺ in·their·guilt
he·stumbled also Gloryhand near·them :
in·their·sheep and·in·their·plowcattle they·walk⁺ to·seek °Yʜᴡʜ and they·do·not·find⁺
he·dressed·down from·them :
in·Yʜᴡʜ they·acted·covertly⁺
as sons⁺ strangers⁺ they·enchilded⁺
now he·eats·them new·moon with their·dividends⁺ :
ꜝhit⁺ shofair in·the·Hill
trumpet in·the·High·Place
ꜝcheer⁺ House·of Iniquity
after⁺·you Son-of-Right :
Fruits² to·desolation she·is
in·day·of reproof
in·the·stems⁺·of Princepowr
I·let·know true :
they·were⁺ the·princes⁺·of Gloryhand
as·skimming⁺·of border
upon·them I·spill·out as·the·waters⁺ my·crossness :
intimidated Fruits² smashed·of judgment
as he·willed
he·walked after⁺ command :
and·I as·the·moth to·Fruits²
and·as·the·rottenness to·the·house·of Gloryhand :
and·he·sees Fruits² °his·piercing and·Gloryhand °his·torment
and·he·walks Fruits² to Blessed
and·he·sends to king He-Argues
and·he he·is·not·able to·heal to·you⁺
and he·does·not·medicate from·you⁺ torment :
as I as·the·lynx to·Fruits²
and·as·the·wolf to·the·house·of Gloryhand
I I I·prey·upon and·I·walk
I·bear and·there·is·ńot snatching·away :
I·walk ꜝlet·me·return to my·rising·place
unto that they·transgress⁺ and·they·sought⁺ my·face⁺
in·the·rockiness to·them they·seek·morning·for⁺·me :
ꜝwalk⁺ and·ꜝlet·us·return⁺ to Yʜᴡʜ
as he he·preyed·upon and·he·heals·us
ꜝlet·him·strike and·he·wraps·us :
he·keeps·us·alive from·days²
in·the·day the·third
he·raises·us and·we·live⁺ to·his·face⁺ :
and·we·know⁺ ꜝlet·us·pursue⁺ to·know °Yʜᴡʜ
as·morning assured his·going
and·he·enters as·the·shower to·us
as·gleaning-rain he·torahs land :
¿what I·do to·you Fruits²
¿what I·do to·you Gloryhand
and·your⁺·mercy as·cloud·of dayplow
and·as·the·dew yoking·up walking :
upon surely I·quarried in·the·prophets⁺
I·killed·them in·the·sayings⁺·of my·mouth
and·your·judgments⁺ light he·goes :
as mercy I·was·pleased and·not offering
and·the·knowledge·of Powers⁺ from·upward·offerings⁺ :
and·they⁺ as·Adam they·crossed·over⁺ covenant
there they·acted·covertly⁺ in·me :
Roll-of-Witness walledcity·of workers⁺·of iniquity
heeling from·blood :
and·as·lingering⁺·of man clouttroops⁺ alliance·of priests⁺
step they·murder⁺ ➝Yoke
as evil·determination they·did⁺ :
in·the·house·of Princepowr
I·saw horror
there fornication to·Fruits²
he·defiled·himself Princepowr :
also Gloryhand he·put crop to·you
when·I·return the·captives⁺·of my·people :
as·I·heal to·Princepowr and·he·was·stripped·out the·guilt·of Fruits² and·the·badnesses⁺·of Watchstation
as they·worked⁺ falsehood
and·stealer he·enters
he·dismantled clouttroop in·the·exterior :
and they·do·not·say⁺ to·their·heart
all·of their·badness I·remembered
now they·turned·around⁺·them their·exploits⁺
before my·face⁺ they·were⁺ :
in·their·badness they·gladden⁺ king
and·in·their·denials⁺ princes⁺ :
all·of·them adulterers⁺
as lampoven
consumed from·baker
he·rests rousing
from·kneading dough unto his·sour :
the·day·of our·king
they·pierced⁺ princes⁺ heat from·wine
he·drew·out his·hand with scorners⁺ :
as they·presented⁺ as·the·lampoven their·heart in·their·ambush
all·of the·night asleep their·baker
dayplow he consumed as·fire·of flame :
all·of·them they·have·heat⁺ as·the·lampoven
and·they·ate⁺ °their·judges⁺
all·of their·kings⁺ they·fell⁺
there·is·ńot calling in·them to·me :
Fruits² in·the·people⁺ he he·mixes·himself
Fruits² he·was loaf no converted :
they·ate⁺ strangers⁺ his·vigor
and·he he·did·not·know
also gray·head she·aspersed in·him
and·he he·did·not·know :
and·he·responded the·majesty·of Princepowr in·his·face⁺
and they·did·not·return⁺ to Yʜᴡʜ their·Powers⁺
and they·did·not·seek⁺·him in·all this :
and·he·is Fruits²
as·dove beguiling there·is·ńot heart
Egypts² they·called⁺ Blessed they·walked⁺ :
as·how they·walk⁺ I·stretch upon·them my·heirnet
as·the·flyer·of the·skies⁺ I·make·them·descend
I·instruct·them as·hearing to·their·assembly :
¡woe! to·them as they·retreated⁺ from·me
overbreasting to·them as they·rebelled⁺ in·me
and·I I·ransom·them
and·they⁺ they·spoke⁺ upon·me lies⁺ :
and they·did·not·cry⁺ to·me in·their·heart
as they·yowl⁺ upon their·beds⁺
upon grain and·winemust they·chew·themselves⁺ they·move⁺ in·me :
and·I I·instructed
I·made·firm their·arms⁺
and·to·me they·consider⁺ bad :
they·return⁺ not upward they·were⁺ as·bow·of trickery
they·fall⁺ in·the·sword their·princes⁺ from·the·damnation·of their·tongue
this their·mockery in·the·land·of Egypts² :
to your·palate shofair
as·the·eagle upon the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
because they·crossed·over⁺ my·covenant
and·upon my·torah they·rebelled⁺ :
to·me they·cry⁺
my·Powers⁺ we·knew⁺·you Princepowr :
he·shunned Princepowr good
enemy he·pursues·him :
they⁺ they·kinged⁺ and·not from·me
they·made·princes⁺ and I·did·not·know
their·silver and·their·gold they·did⁺ to·them pains⁺
because·of ꜝlet·him·be·cut·down :
he·shunned your·ox Watchstation
he·was·scorched my·nostrils in·them
unto ¿wħen they·are·not·able⁺ innocence :
as from·Princepowr and·he
craftsman he·did·him
and·not Powers⁺ he
as splinters⁺ he·is
the·ox·of Watchstation :
as breath they·seed⁺ and➝blast they·crop⁺
risen·grain there·is·ńot to·him growth no he·does meal
¿maybe he·does
strangers⁺ they·devour⁺·him :
he·was·devoured Princepowr
now they·were⁺ in·the·clans⁺
as·thing there·is·ńot pleasure in·him :
as they⁺ they·went·up⁺ Blessed
ass alone to·him
Fruits² they·payed·for⁺ loves⁺
also as they·are·paid⁺ in·the·clans⁺ now I·collect·them
and·they·pierce⁺ little
from·burden·of king princes⁺ :
as he·multiplied Fruits² offering·places⁺ to·sin
they·were⁺ to·him offering·places⁺ to·sin :
I·write to·him
the·multitudes⁺·of my·torah
as stranger they·were·considered⁺ :
the·offerings⁺·of my·grant they·offer⁺ flesh and·they·eat⁺
Yʜᴡʜ he·did·not·favor·them
now he·remembers their·guilt and·he·reckons their·sins⁺
they⁺ Egypts² they·return⁺ :
and·he·forgets Princepowr °that·does·him and·he·builds palaces⁺
and·Gloryhand he·multiplied cities⁺ fortified⁺
and·I·sent·out fire in·his·cities⁺
and·she·ate her·heights⁺ :
ꜝdo·not·be·glad Princepowr to twirling as·the·people⁺
as you·fornicated from·upon your·Powers⁺
you·loved payment
upon all·of threshingfloors⁺·of grain :
threshingfloor and·vat he·does·not·tend·them
and·winemust he·denies in·her :
they·do·not·settle⁺ in·the·land·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·returned Fruits² Egypts²
and·in·Blessed defiled they·eat⁺ :
they·do·not·libate·out⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ wine and they·are·not·even⁺ to·him
their·offerings⁺ as·bread·of iniquities⁺ to·them
all·of that·eat⁺·him they·defile·themselves⁺
as their·bread to·their·soul
he·does·not·enter the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
¿what you·do⁺ to·day·of assembly
and·to·the·day·of the·feast·of Yʜᴡʜ :
as ¡lo! they·walked⁺ from·overbreasting
Egypts² she·collects·them Mof she·entombs·them
desire to·their·silver prickles he·inherits·them
briar in·their·tents⁺ :
they·entered⁺ the·days⁺·of the·reckoning they·entered⁺ the·days⁺·of the·shalom-making
they·know⁺ Princepowr
wrongdoer the·prophet psycho the·man·of the·breath
upon the·multitude·of your·guilt
and·much resentment :
sentry Fruits² near my·Powers⁺
prophet trap·of ensnarer upon all·of his·steps⁺
resentment in·the·house·of his·Powers⁺ :
they·went·deep⁺ they·ruined⁺ as·the·days⁺·of the·Hill
he·remembers their·guilt
he·reckons their·sins⁺ :
as·grapes⁺ in·the·outspeak I·found Princepowr
as·firstfruit in·fig in·her·headmost
I·saw your⁺·fathers⁺
they⁺ they·entered⁺ Master·of Gap and·they·are·envowed⁺ to·the·shame
and·they·are⁺ detestations⁺ as·they·love⁺ :
Fruits² as·the·flyer he·flies·himself their·weight
from·enchilding and·from·belly and·from·pregnancy :
but rather they·make·great⁺ °their·sons⁺
and·I·was·bereaved·them from·adam
as also ¡woe! to·them when·I·move from·them :
Fruits² as·how I·saw to·Rock grafted in·habitation
and·Fruits² to·let·go to killing his·sons⁺ :
ꜝgive to·them Yʜᴡʜ ¿what you·give
ꜝgive to·them womb bereaved
and·breasts² like·raisins⁺ :
all·of their·badness in·the·Rolling as there I·hated·them
upon the·badness·of their·exploits⁺
from·my·house I·drive·them·off
I·do·not·add their·love
all·of their·princes⁺ defiant⁺ :
he·was·struck Fruits²
their·root he·dried·up fruit they·do·not·do⁺
also as they·enchild⁺
and·I·put·to·death the·desires⁺·of their·belly :
he·rejects·them my·Powers⁺
as they·did·not·hear⁺ to·him
and·they·are⁺ retreating⁺ in·the·clans⁺ :
vine vacant Princepowr
fruit he·levels to·him
as·multitude to·his·fruit he·multiplied to·the·offering·places⁺
as·good to·his·land
they·did·good⁺ posts⁺ :
he·was·divided their·heart now they·transgress⁺
he he·breaks·the·spine·of their·offering·places⁺
he·overbreasts their·posts⁺ :
as now they·say⁺
there·is·ńot king to·us
as we·did·not·fear⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ
and·the·king ¿what he·does to·us :
they·spoke⁺ speeches⁺
making·an·oath vanity cutting·in covenant
and·he·budded as·the·headweed judgment
upon terraces⁺·of field :
to·the·oxen⁺·of House·of Iniquity
they·are·dislodged⁺ the·fellowdweller·of Watchstation
as he·mourned upon·him his·people and·his·Nexuses⁺ upon·him they·twirl⁺
upon his·weight as he·stripped from·him :
also °him to·Blessed he·courses
tribute to·king He-Argues
shame Fruits² he·takes
and·he·is·ashamed Princepowr from·his·counsel :
silenced Watchstation her·king
as·anger upon face⁺·of waters⁺ :
and·they·were·destroyed⁺ daises⁺·of iniquity the·sin·of Princepowr
thorn and·libertyweed
he·goes·up upon their·offering·places⁺
and·they·said⁺ to·the·mounts⁺ ꜝcover⁺·us
and·to·the·hills⁺ ꜝfall⁺ upon·us :
from·the·days⁺·of the·Hill
you·sinned Princepowr
there they·stood⁺
she·does·not·catch·them in·the·Hill battle upon sons⁺·of evil :
in·my·yearning and·I·instruct·them
and·they·were·gathered⁺ upon·them people⁺
when·they·chain⁺ to·the·two²·of their·guilts⁺ :
and·Fruits² ox discipled loving to·thresh
and·I I·crossed·over
upon the·goodness·of her·neck
I·carry Fruits² he·crafts Gloryhand
he·harrows to·him Heeler :
ꜝseed⁺ to·you⁺ to·justice ꜝcrop⁺ to·mouth·of mercy
ꜝtill⁺ to·you⁺ tillage
and·season to·investigate °Yʜᴡʜ
unto he·enters and·he·torahs justice to·you⁺ :
you·crafted⁺ wickedness evil you·cropped⁺ you·ate⁺ fruit·of denial
as you·trusted in·your·step in·the·multitude·of your·heroes⁺ :
and·he·arose roaring in·your·people
and·all·of your·fortifications⁺ he·is·overbreasted
as·the·overbreasting·of Shalman House·of Ambush-of-Powr in·day·of battle
mama upon sons⁺ she·was·cudgeled :
thus he·did to·you⁺ House·of Powr
from·the·face⁺·of the·badness·of your⁺·badness
in·the·morning being·silenced he·was·silenced the·king·of Princepowr :
as youth Princepowr and·I·love·him
and·from·Egypts² I·called to·my·son :
they·called⁺ to·them
surely they·walked⁺ from·their·face⁺
to·the·Masters⁺ they·offer⁺
and·to·the·sculptures⁺ they·incense⁺ :
and·I I·gave·feet to·Fruits²
their·taking upon his·arms⁺
and they·did·not·know⁺ as I·healed·them :
in·ropes⁺·of adam I·draw·them·out in·cords⁺·of love
and·I·am to·them as·heightening⁺·of harness upon their·cheeks²
and·ꜝlet·me·branch·out to·him I·give·to·eat :
he·does·not·return to the·land·of Egypts²
and·Blessed he his·king
as they·refused⁺ to·return :
and·she·whirled sword in·his·cities⁺
and·she·was·all·done his·aloneworthiness⁺ and·she·ate
from·their·counsels⁺ :
and·my·people hanged⁺ to·my·backturning
and·to upward they·call⁺·him
united he·does·not·heighten :
¿ħow I·give·you Fruits² I·guard·you Princepowr
¿ħow I·give·you as·Adamah
I·place·you as·Prettygazelles⁺
he·was·converted upon·me my·heart
united they·were·connected⁺ my·sighing⁺ :
I·do·not·do the·scorching·of my·nostrils
I·do·not·return to·ruin Fruits²
as powr I and·not man
in·your·impresence sacred
and I·do·not·enter in·city :
after⁺ Yʜᴡʜ they·walk⁺ as·lion he·roars
as he he·roars
and·they·shudder⁺ sons⁺ from·sea :
they·shudder⁺ as·skippingbird from·Egypts²
and·as·dove from·the·land·of Blessed
and·I·settled·them upon their·houses⁺ the·revelation·of Yʜᴡʜ :
they·turned·around⁺·me in·denial Fruits²
and·in·trickery the·house·of Princepowr
and·Gloryhand again rambling near powr
and·near sacred⁺ true :
Fruits² tendent breath and·pursuer frontwind
all·of the·day a·lie and·overbreasting he·multiplies
and·covenant near Blessed they·cut·in⁺
and·oil to·Egypts² he·courses :
and·argument to·Yʜᴡʜ near Gloryhand
and·to·reckon upon Heeler as·his·steps⁺
as·his·exploits⁺ he·returns to·him :
in·the·belly he·heeled °his·brother
and·in·his·vitality he·was·a·prince with Powers⁺ :
and·he·is·prince to minister and·he·is·able
he·wept and·he·begs·grace to·him
House·of Powr he·finds·him
and·there he·speaks near·us :
and·Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of the·hosts⁺
Yʜᴡʜ his·memory :
and·you in·your·Powers⁺ you·return
mercy and·judgment ꜝwatch
and·ꜝhope to your·Powers⁺ always :
Cashiers⁺ in·his·hand earscales²·of trickery to·intimidate he·loved :
and·he·says Fruits²
surely I·was·rich
I·found vitality to·me
all·of my·labors⁺ they·do·not·find⁺ to·me guilt that sin :
and·I Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ from·the·land·of Egypts²
again I·settle·you in·tents⁺ as·days⁺·of assembly :
and·I·spoke upon the·prophets⁺
and·I vision I·multiplied
and·in·the·hand·of the·prophets⁺ I·liken :
if Roll-of-Witness iniquity surely vanity they·were⁺
in·the·Rolling bulls⁺ they·offered⁺
also their·offering·places⁺ as·rolls⁺
upon terraces⁺·of field :
and·he·bolts Heeler the·field·of Height
and·he·serves Princepowr in·woman
and·in·woman he·watched :
and·in·prophet he·offered·up Yʜᴡʜ °Princepowr from·Egypts²
and·in·prophet he·watched·himself :
he·troubled Fruits² bitterness⁺
and·his·bloods⁺ upon·him he·leaves
he·returns to·him his·lords⁺ :
as·speaking Fruits² apprehension
he·bore he in·Princepowr
and·he·transgresses in·the·Master and·he·dies :
and·now they·add⁺ to·sin and·they·do⁺ to·them libated·metal from·their·silver as·their·discernment pains⁺
doing·of craftsmen⁺ all·of·him
to·them they⁺ saying⁺
offering⁺·of adam
oxen⁺ they·kiss⁺ :
to·surely they·are⁺ as·cloud·of dayplow
and·as·the·dew yoking·up walking
as·chaff he·storms from·threshingfloor
and·as·smoke from·oculus :
and·I Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ from·the·land·of Egypts²
and·Powers⁺ beyond·me you·do·not·know
and·savior there·is·ńot my·if·not :
I I·knew·you in·the·outspeak
in·land·of flames⁺ :
as·their·tending and·they·are·satisfied⁺
they·were·satisfied⁺ and·he·is·high their·heart
upon surely they·forgot⁺·me :
and·I·am to·them as lynx
as·leopard upon step I·glimpse :
I·encounter·them as·bear bereaved
and·I·tear the·lock·of their·heart
and·I·eat·them there as·coyote
the·life·of the·field she·cleaves·them :
he·ruined·you Princepowr as in·me in·your·help :
¿where your·king tẖen
and·he·saves·you in·all·of your·cities⁺
that you·said
ꜝgive! to·me king and·princes⁺ :
I·give to·you king in·my·nostrils
and·I·take in·my·crossness :
been·rocked·in the·guilt·of Fruits²
secret his·sin :
ropes⁺·of enchilding they·enter⁺ to·him
he son not wise
as season he·does·not·stand in·breach·of sons⁺ :
from·hand·of sheol I·ransom·them
from·death I·goel·them
¿where your·unspeakables⁺ death ¿where your·scourge sheol
sighing he·is·hidden from·my·eyes² :
as he
son brothers⁺ he·makes·fruitful
he·enters frontwind the·breath·of Yʜᴡʜ from·outspeak going·up and·he·dries·up his·fountain and·he·is·withered his·eyewell
he he·loots
treasure·of all·of thing·of desire :
she·transgresses Watchstation
as she·was·bitter in·her·Powers⁺
in·the·sword they·fall⁺
their·nurslings⁺ they·are·cudgeled⁺
and·his·pregnant⁺ they·are·cleaved⁺ :
ꜝreturn! Princepowr
unto Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
as you·stumbled in·your·guilt :
ꜝtake⁺ near·you⁺ speeches⁺
and·ꜝreturn⁺ to Yʜᴡʜ
ꜝsay⁺ to·him all·of you·bear guilt and·ꜝtake good
and·ꜝlet·us·shalom⁺ cows⁺ our·lips² :
Blessed he·does·not·save·us upon horse we·do·not·chariot⁺
and we·do·not·say⁺ again our·Powers⁺ to·the·doing·of our·hands²
that in·you he·is·enwombed orphan :
I·heal their·backturning
I·love·them noble·offering
as he·returned my·nostrils from·him :
I·am as·the·dew to·Princepowr
he·buds as·the·lily
and·ꜝlet·him·strike his·roots⁺ as·the·Whitemost :
they·walk⁺ his·suckers⁺
and·ꜝlet·him·be as·the·olive his·splendor
and·breath to·him as·the·Whitemost :
they·return⁺ the·settling⁺ in·his·shadow
they·keep·alive⁺ grain and·they·bud⁺ as·the·vine
his·memory as·the·wine·of Whitemost :
Fruits² ¿what to·me again to·the·pains⁺
I I·responded and·I·glimpse·him I as·fir thriving
from·me your·fruit he·was·found :
¿who wise and·ꜝlet·him·discern these
discerner and·he·knows·them
as straight⁺ the·steps⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ and·just⁺ they·walk⁺ in·them
and·rebelling⁺ they·stumble⁺ in·them :